Lehman Brothers
Chapter 9 Staying and making it in regional creative cities - visual arts graduates and infrastructures for professional development
Changes in the Russian Terminology of Economic Law since Perestroika
Demographic and Socioeconomic Outcomes Across the Indigenous Australian Lifecourse : Evidence from the 2006 Census
Giblin's Platoon : The trials and triumph of the economist in Australian public life
Drones and the Creative Industry : Innovative Strategies for European SMEs
Russian Economic Reform
La valutazione del capitale intellettuale
Classical Economics Today : Essays in Honor of Alessandro Roncaglia
The eastern horizon : A regional perspective
People, Places and Policy
Public Goods Provision in the Early Modern Economy : Comparative Perspectives from Japan, China, and Europe
Deals and Development : The Political Dynamics of Growth Episodes
Logistik und Wettbewerb : Zur Rolle logistischer (Re-)Organisation in einer wettbewerbsbasierten Marktwirtschaft
Regulating Competition : Cartel registers in the twentieth-century world
Großbritannien und die Europaeische Integration unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung ordnungspolitischer Aspekte
Small Firms and Innovation Policy in Japan
The Practices of Happiness : Political Economy, Religion and Wellbeing
Europaeische Markterschließungsstrategien im Schienenverkehrsdienstleistungsbereich am Beispiel des Personenverkehrs der Deutschen Bahn AG : Einflussfaktoren - Ausgestaltung - Implikationen
China's New Place in a World in Crisis : Economic, Geopolitical and Environmental Dimensions