Exile : The Writer's Experience
Goethe's Social Philosophy : As Revealed in "Campagne in Frankreich" and "Belagerung von Mainz"
La guerre et la paix dans la poésie épique en France (1500-1800)
Wittgenstein's Novels
Mongrel Nation : Diasporic Culture and the Making of Postcolonial Britain
Ego-Alter Ego : Double and/as Other in the Age of German Poetic Realism
Lire l'Histoire générale des Antilles de J.-B. Du Tertre : Exotisme et établissement français aux Îles (1625-1671)
Jane Austen's Families
Rhetoric, Rhetoricians and Poets : Studies in Renaissance Poetry and Poetics
Anne Hébert : Le secret de vie et de mort
Early Public Libraries and Colonial Citizenship in the British Southern Hemisphere
Françoise Collin: l'héritage fabuleux
New Germans, New Dutch : Literary Interventions
Cultural Convergence : The Dublin Gate Theatre, 1928-1960
Wittenwiler's "Ring" and the Anonymous Scots Poem "Colkelbie Sow" : Two Comic-Didactic Works from the Fifteenth Century
The Poetry of Du Fu
Virtues for the People : Aspects of Plutarchan Ethics
Schiller and Music
Power Relations in Black Lives : Reading African American Literature and Culture with Bourdieu and Elias (Edition 1)
An Annotated Arthur Schnitzler Bibliography : Editions and Criticism in German, French, and English, 1879-1965