The Condition of Digitality : A Post-Modern Marxism for the Practice of Digital Life
The Play in the System : The Art of Parasitical Resistance
Keiner wird gewinnen : Populäre Musik im Wettbewerb
War Remains : Mediations of Suffering and Death in the Era of the World Wars
Von Monstern und Menschen : Begegnungen der anderen Art in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
Materializing Memory in Art and Popular Culture
Die Ordnung der Klänge : Das Wechselspiel der Künste vom Bauhaus zum Black Mountain College
At Face Value and Beyond : Photographic Constructions of Reality
Emotionstheorien : Begriffliche Arbeit am Gefühl
The Narratology of Comic Art
Chapter 12 Adapting to the Different Shades of Populism : Key Findings and Implications for Media, Citizens, and Politics
Drones and the Creative Industry : Innovative Strategies for European SMEs
The Digital Age and Its Discontents : Critical Reflections in Educatione
Data Visualization in Society
The Narrative Subject : Storytelling in the Age of the Internet
Crisis Reporters, Emotions, and Technology : An Ethnography
Rapocalypse : Der Anfang des Rap und das Ende der Welt
Social Theory after the Internet : Media, Technology and Globalization
Digital Tools in Media Studies : Analysis and Research. An Overview
The Internet Myth : From the Internet Imaginary to Network Ideologies