Pengaruh Profil Risiko, Tata Kelola dan Permodalan Terhadap Profitabilitas (Studi Bank Umum Konvensional periode 2012-2015)

Profitabilitiy as on of indicators wich can be used as baseline to look on financial performance of the company. Profitability also used as one of methods on measuring health performance of the banking industry. This research purpose to test the influence risk profile, good corporate governance (GCG...

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Автори: Wulandari, Rofika (Автор), Mas'ud, Imam (Автор), Roziq, Ahmad (Автор)
Формат: EJournal Article
Опубліковано: UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember, 2018-05-24.
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