In vitro and In vivo Antiplasmodial of Stem Bark Extract of Garcinia husor

Garcinia husor is one of the folk medicines in Maluku-Indonesia. This species has been used for the treatmet of Malaria disease. The phytochemical contents and antiplasmodial activity not reported yet. In this study we evaluated the quantitative phytochemicals, in vitro and in vivo antiplasmodial ac...

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מידע ביבליוגרפי
Main Authors: Kainama, Healthy (Author), Fatmawati, Sri (Author), Santoso, Mardi (Author), Kakisina, Pieter (Author), Ersam, Taslim (Author)
פורמט: EJournal Article
יצא לאור: Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia, 2019-10-27.
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