Morphological Characters of Several Black and Aromatic Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Indonesia

AIP Conf. Proc. 2120, 030029-1-030029-7 2019, International Conference on Biology and Applied Science (ICOBAS)

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Автори: Sholikhah, Ummi (Автор), Parjanto, Parjanto (Автор), Handoyo, Tri (Автор), Yunus, Ahmad (Автор)
Формат: Academic Paper
Опубліковано: 2019-09-11T07:15:10Z.
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Резюме:AIP Conf. Proc. 2120, 030029-1-030029-7 2019, International Conference on Biology and Applied Science (ICOBAS)
Indonesia has a high level of rice germplasm, both black rice and aromatic rice. To produce a new variety that is superior in terms of production and benefits, one of the information needed is agronomic and morphological character knowledge, which is very necessary to determine the kinship between varieties used as a basis for determining the parent in plant breeding. This research aimed to find out the morphological character of black rice and aromatic rice. The research findings discussed morphological characteristics using parameters including plant height (cm), number of productive tillers, flowering period (HSS), harvesting period (HSS), weight of 100 grains (grams), grain shape, grain colour, and rice colour where each of these characters was used as a distinctive feature in each variety for a cluster analysis. The grouping results showed that at the similarity level of 37.8%, 3 groups of black and aromatic rice varieties were obtained.
Опис примірника:978-0-7354-1860-8